By Super User on Friday, 28 September 2018
Category: Blog

Getting Emergency Care for a Poisoned Pet in Auburn

With the holidays fast approaching, the opportunities for our pets to get into things they shouldn’t be eating abound. Aside from the usual Christmas tinsel with cats and Halloween fake bones with dogs, there are plenty of actual food items that can poison pets. Add in to that the household goods, like cleaning agents and pest repellents, and your home could start looking like a minefield with a precocious pet. If your animal does get into something nasty, you’ll need to find some experienced emergency care for a poisoned pet in Auburn.


Raisins & Grapes

Have you ever seen those bowls of skinned grapes that are suppose to feel like eyeballs at a Halloween party? Is fruitcake from your Great Aunt Barb a common occurrence each year? Are you trying to turn over a new leaf with only fruit salad bowls at the end of dinner? Whatever the source, you should know that grapes and raisins can be fatal to dogs and cats, causing acute renal failure. If you think your pup or kitty has gotten into the grapes, it might be time to get in touch with an emergency care veterinarian here in Auburn for your poisoned pet.


Onions & Garlic

Any ingredient list starting with these two is bound to be tasty for humans, but it’s not a great recipe for pets. Plants in the Allium genus, like garlic and onions, are very toxic to dogs and especially cats. Taco Tuesday could turn into day-at-the-vet Wednesday if you don’t watch your leftovers. Other plants in the family include chives, shallots and leeks. It does sound like the perfect Fall soup, we’ll say that!



With all of these low carb diets and challenges that cut out sugars that pop up every year, xylitol becomes a risk for pets. Found in sugar-free gum and desserts, this chemical is especially toxic to dogs. It can cause low blood sugar and liver damage after ingestion by an explorative pup.


These are only a few of the many potential toxins for cats and dogs in the home. If you’re concerned, please get emergency care for your poisoned pet in Auburn as soon as possible and we at Affordable Animal Emergency Clinic are here to help.


Emergency Care for Pet Poisoning, Auburn